Forcing the Bloom

Happy, Healthy Mommy Blog

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Our New (Old) Van!

After much searching and testing driving we finally picked our Swagger Waggon.  A used 2006 Honda Odyssey.  We bought it a couple of weeks ago; however, I couldn’t say I was a legitimate minivan driver until I’d actually driven it for a few weeks.  A few weeks is enough time to safely say the honeymoon period is over and that I can provide a fair and honest review.  Guess what.  I still like it!  Yes, the seats are a bit worn.  Yes, there is a hint of a funny smell (only when you first get in).  Yes, it’s missing the bells and whistles in the new vans – flat screen TV, bottle cooler, all-terrain floor mats.  BUT, it’s still very functional and we saved money buying used.  It’s exactly what we needed.  I have the wonderful feeling of being extremely practical but also the sneaking feeling that I was tricked into believing it’s so awesome.  Oh, well.