Forcing the Bloom

Happy, Healthy Mommy Blog

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7 Months!

He’s keenly aware of his brother every move.  He scoots across the room as soon as you turn your back.  He thinks he can walk (he can’t) and insists on standing up (one second).  He pulls himself up on things and then topples over.  He has two bottom teeth, which he likes to grind into my shoulder.  He is DONE with baby toys – only big brother’s toys will do.  He either screams or sleeps in the car, there’s no in-between.  He sucks his thumb when he’s tired (pretty cute).  He’s tried mashed bananas and avocados so far and although he doesn’t appear to get any of it into his mouth (it’s straight into the bath after a feeding) his poops smell like, well, poop.  He’s SEVEN MONTHS!


My favorite things to do with my seven-month old:

Put him in my wrap and go for walks or go to the beach or pool.  (I have a regular wrap and a water wrap).

Roll a ball to him (he’s always amazed when it reaches him).

Try and read a book to him (before he eats it).

Watch him cover himself with mashed bananas (somehow cuter than mashed avocados).

Baby exercises!  (He sits on my stomach or around me for leg lifts, sit-ups, stretches, and squats.)

Introduce new things (primary colors, shapes, textures) in a small wooden tray Montessori-style.  (He usually tries to eat the tray.)

Let him check himself out in the mirror (he’s in love with his reflection – the brother he wishes really he had).

Swing in the baby swings at the playground (or with Daddy on the big swing).

Play peek-a-boo!  (Usually during diaper changes using a small blanket – otherwise he scoots away before we’re done).

Tickle-fest!  (He has the funniest laugh!)

Songs with musical instruments (usually something we can bang – BAM-BAM)!

Chase the cat, dog, or big brother (and grab fistfuls of hair)!

Bite Papa’s toes (the baby does that – not me – but it makes me laugh)!

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Sports for Toddlers: When? What? How?

Well, that’s what I want to know.  I have been think about the issue of sports ever since my little two and a half year old was born.  Sports are HUGE in my husband’s family and they were HUGE for my Dad.  They LOVED it and they worked HARD.  My Dad actually played in and won the Little League World Series was he was young.  He went on to play football at Clemson.  My Dad-in-Law played football at Cornell.  I liked sports but was never very good.  I always wondered if I had practiced more or started younger, could I have been better?

Are SPORTS the place where children learn discipline, teamwork, confidence?  What makes them good or should we, as parents, not worry about it?  Are we pushing in them one direction or another without knowing it and is that okay?  Are sports an “either or” – I play sports or music, but not both?

As you can see from the pictures below, sports are in our house and our toddler gets the message: This is what we do and it’s fun.  But can I control my SUPER competitive nature?  My husband has already set the tone: sports are FUN, no pressure, but you need to play something.  But what about a scholarship?  Should he stick to ONE sport?  And I can’t help wondering what if his thing is music?  Did you read “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom” where her second daughter gives up violin for tennis?  That’s can’t be me, right?

Although these are all thoughts that fluttering in my head like annoying gnats, I don’t really act on them.  I DO try to watch myself so that I don’t lose myself – find myself running out onto the football field to have a word with coach!  I have it in me.  Right now (at 2 1/2 years old), B is not playing any organized sports.  But believe it or not, he COULD be and probably will within the next 6 months to a year.  Did you hear about the 2 year old who received a soccer scholarship!?  Oh boy, I guess we’ll just take it one step at a time.

Super cute video of B and Daddy working out:  Sit-ups in the Park

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