Forcing the Bloom

Happy, Healthy Mommy Blog

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Salty Crackers

I’ve been getting alot of positive feedback on homemade hummus and crackers so here they are again!  Yum!  My Dad is especially fond of the homemade crackers so I wasn’t surprised when I came home to a fresh batch today.  I was thrilled until my Mom suggested that I try them first.  My Dad had tested out some suggestions from the Super Baby Food book and added Bragg’s sea kelpfrom the sea – along with the normal amount of salt and pepper.  The result was super salty crackers.  Pucker up!  Too bad I’m not pregnant!  I couldn’t get enough salt during pregnancy.  Your crackers were great, Dad!  We just needed to add some hummus!  (He refuses to eat my hummus.)

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Super Baby Food

I’m loving this book!  In addition to being an encyclopedia on baby food, it’s also a great source of information on nutrition.  For example, I never heard of nutritional yeast, powdered kelp and desiccated liver.  And I NEVER would have thought to add these nutrient boosters to my baby’s porridge or yogurt.  Since it’s a pretty dense book, I’m glad I started it before my little guy is eating solid foods.  The book also include lots of recipes good for the entire family, such as homemade CRACKERS!

Check out


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Woman Weekend Warrior

During my Saturday morning run, I couldn’t help but think – I should start training for a marathon.  What is wrong with me!?  This was a 2 mile run, which included stopping to walk.  What about training for 10 miles or even 5 miles?  Nope, I jumped straight to marathon.  Total, typical “forcing the bloom” moment.  I really should have celebrated the fact I was running in the first place  and then moved on to a bigger goal, like 3 miles.  Sound familiar?  I know those woman weekend warriors are out there!

I spent most of the rest of the weekend stock piling food for the work-week.  We made a massive amount of homemade HUMMUS.  We made a batch with black olives and the another with green olives.  Froze some.  Very yummy.  We also made rice, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes for work-week dinners and lunches.  I also soaked and boiled some lima beans for later recipes.  My parents visited and they  made homemade crackers and a large oven-roasted turkey – great for leftovers and soup.  I felt like a squirrel preparing for winter.  That’s what is takes these days as a new mama!


Homemade Crackers!

One of this week’s challenges is homemade CRACKERS!  According to Karen: Put two cups of your favorite flour in a food processor and add another half cup of wheat germ, bran, flax-seed ground, or what ever you like; Add a little salt, pepper, basil…whatever; Add enough water to make dough that sticks together (about a cup).  The trick is to roll them out very, very thin!  Sprinkle flour under and on top of the dough so it won’t stick to the counter.   Cut dough with a pizza cutter and bake at 350 till crisp (about 15 min).  Enjoy!

Also, using the flour from the counter you can add salt, spices, nutritional yeast, etc… and roll into the top of the cracker.  She also adds a half cup of tomato paste and basil to the dough when making tomato basil crackers!  You can also try ground nuts or ground sun flower seeds in the dough or rolled into the topping!